Saturday, December 6, 2014

Moving Back

During the month of October, I decided I wanted and found it in my best personal interest to move back to the Des Moines area.  At the end of the month, I packed up my things, said a sad farewell to my co-workers and students, and moved back.  I am currently applying and getting ready to start subbing around the area.  However, I still plan on updating my blog with lessons I have already used.  Plus, I would like to post new lessons I have yet to try but am fairly excited about.  Hopefully, with this extra free time, I will keep on top of blogging my lessons and maybe even blog about some of my own arts and crafts projects.

"Stained Glass" Windows

"Stained Glass" Windows
2nd Grade

Art lesson covering geometric shapes and primary vs. secondary colors.

Step 1.  Discuss and review geometric shapes.  I usually draw examples of the shapes as the students say them.  It can help students during their work time if they get stuck and can't think of different shapes to draw.
Step 2.  Discuss and review the different color groups.  (May use songs to help teach/review the color groups.  I was Greg Percy songs.  "Red and Yellow Blues" and "Secondary Samba".) I also write the two different color groups on the board and place the c correlating example next to the correct list.
Step 3.  Draw example on the board showing how the edges of the different sections touch.
Step 4.  Hand out black construction paper. (NAME - first & last AND TEACHER).  With pencils, have the students draw out their shapes.
Step 5.  Using a bottle of glue, have the students trace over their lines. Allow dry time.
Step 6.  Student choose whether they would like to use the primary or secondary colors and begin coloring their picture accordingly. 

Email me/comment below for a full lesson plan (including standards, list of supplies, assessment, etc.).