Sunday, January 26, 2014

AOE Winter Conference 2014

Yesterday, I attended an online conference for art teachers.  AOE (aka.  The Art of Education) did such a fantastic job.  They only did they introduce many speakers but they gave away some "digital swag"(as they like to call it), as well.  Super exciting, right?!?  I encourage you to visit the AOE website and check out all there online courses, blogs, etc.  You won't be sorry.  Anyway, after attending the conference, I have so many new ideas I don't even know where to start.  Honestly, it is a bit overwhelming.  I have started revisiting the each of the the presentations trying to pull out information/ideas that I can start implementing in my classroom right way.  Breaks are necessary though.  To help keep myself better on track and to share my experiences with it, I decided to blog about it.  Hopefully, I will have successful stories to share.  I sure know I will have failures, too.  Hey! If you aren't failing sometimes in the classroom, it probably means you aren't taking enough risks.

First few goals for myself:

1.  Add more songs into each of the grade levels. I have already been using a few art songs in the classroom for my lower levels kids, and it has gone well.  I need to introduce the songs to grades like 3rd-5th grade. Starting this week,  I am going to play two Greg Percy songs for each of my classes... "Red and Yellow Blues" and "Secondary Samba".

2. Add the Elements of Art and Principles of Art from the vocabulary wall to their own bigger bulletin board, so I can have more of them up.  I have just been putting these up as we are going (it's my first year... I don't have everything set up just right yet... need to experiment a little), but I want them ALL up for the kids too see.  I've also printed off posters that were not as wordy as the ones you buy from catalogs.  The ones I have now are more about pictures and fewer words.  Better for younger student understanding in my opinion.

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